Growing older can be frustrating. Besides all of the aches and pains associated with aging, many seniors begin developing problems remembering or being able to focus.
Scientists and health professionals are beginning to see how seniors can benefit from music therapy. It may be something you want to consider to help seniors in your life.
What exactly is music therapy? Music therapy is an activity in which a qualified person uses music, whether listening or learning to play, as a means to bring about positive changes in a person’s cognitive, physical, psychological, or social functioning. Continue reading
MSG or monosodium glutamate is an extremely common food additive. It’s used to add or enhance flavor in a variety of prepackaged and restaurant foods.
Unfortunately, while the US government and other countries deem it safe, it can cause a number of health issues for sensitive people. The most common health issue is migraine headaches.
However, people can suffer from stomach distress as well. Some theorize that MSG causes obesity, neurological problems, cancer and diabetes.
While none of this has been proven scientifically many people still prefer to avoid this chemical that’s found in many foods. The biggest problem with MSG is that it’s too difficult to tell if it’s in your food. Continue reading
Before we get into some of the dangers and complications of obesity lets first talk about what obesity is.
When an individual has an excess amount of weight they are considered obese. And while this sounds fairly simple, truth be told obesity is a very complex disorder. It’s not just about the cosmetic aspect. Yes that’s important but there are far more important issues such as the health problems that come along with being obese.
When you are obese you put yourself at risk for heart disease, diabetes, shortened life expectancy and a host of other issues. The good news however is even a modest amount of weight loss can go a long ways in improving your health.
How Do You Know if You are Obese?
If you have a BMI of 30 or more you are considered obese. To find out what your BMI is you will need to divide your weight by your height. Please know BMI doesn’t always directly measure body fat. For example, someone who has a very muscular build may have a BMI that would indicate they are obese. However, since they are muscular they wouldn’t have enough body fat to actually be obese. So in these cases BMI wouldn’t necessarily apply. Continue reading