
Acidic vs. Alkaline DietThere is a lot of hype out there about alkaline diets, which are diets containing foods that are alkaline in nature rather than acidic. Alkaline foods are foods that have a pH of 7 or greater (like vegetables), while acidic foods (like vinegar and lemons) have a pH of less than 7). Many Hollywood celebrities swear by this diet, saying that an alkaline diet can help a person lose weight and can stave off illnesses like cancer and arthritis.

What is the Theory Behind an Alkaline Diet?

The idea is that certain foods, namely wheat products, refined sugar, meats, and processed foods will produce acid in your body, which is supposedly bad for your system. If you instead eat foods that are “basic” or “alkaline” in nature, the body will lose weight and you will generally feel better. Continue reading

Healthy FoodWhat if you were told to stop dieting? Doesn’t that sound fabulous? The problem with many people today is that they have been told several myths about nutrition and dieting.

The problem with most diets is they do not deliver all of the nutritional goodies that your body needs. So your body begins to crave things which are not healthy for you in its search of what is lacking.

Your diet fails, and you gain weight. If you stop dieting today and start eating “real” food that is whole and unprocessed, you will not only achieve and maintain a healthy weight, but you will improve your heart health and your chances at living a long and fulfilled life. Continue reading

According to a recent study over half of the cases of heart disease could be prevented. Even small lifestyle changes have a big effect on your overall heart health, however it all starts with knowing the results of four critical tests.

Know Your Numbers

Certain lab test results show the condition of your heart health and your risk of having a “heart-related event”– not something you want to experience. In particular you should know your numbers from these tests: Continue reading