For your body to function properly, you need to give your body six essential nutrients each day. Here’s a quick overview of each one.
1 – Water
Water is the most basic nutrient your body needs. Every single cell in your body needs it to function and up to 70% of our body is made up of water. It helps regulate our body temperature and heart beat, helps the cells deliver energy and is vital in burning fat, just to name a few functions.
Most experts recommend 7-8 glasses of water a day in addition to the five servings of fruits and vegetables we should be eating. Anything with caffeine in it does not count toward your recommended daily allotment since caffeine drinks like coffee and tea expel water from the body. Continue reading
There is no ambiguity among professionals that a diet that helps you maintain a normal body weight will help you stay healthy, but did you know that you can actually reverse certain diseases with your diet?
The most common food borne illnesses like type II diabetes, clogged arteries, and other diet related diseases can be virtually eliminated in most people with a sound diet plan consisting of mostly high fiber vegetables, grains, legumes, and fruit.
The scientific evidence is so strong that even large health organizations such as Kaiser Permanente have suggested shifting to a plant based diet for maximum health.
Studies are overwhelmingly showing that a diet that is low in trans fats and high in plant based, unprocessed foods will change health outcomes – and may even overcome what some people think of as genetics in terms of obesity, diabetes or getting heart disease. Continue reading
There is no such thing as healthy obesity, but do healthy fatty foods exist? Are there foods which are naturally good for you, delivered in tasty food that you like to eat?
Actually, “good fats” do exist. They are absolutely required by your body so that it can function correctly. And many of them taste great, while delivering other health benefits as well.
Nutrition plans like The Mediterranean Diet are full of foods packed with healthy fats. How important are these particular fatty foods to a healthy lifestyle and increased longevity? When you get the right levels of healthy fat in your body, research has shown that you reduce your risk of dying from heart disease and cancer. You also drastically reduce your potential for developing Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Continue reading