Practitioners of Eastern medicine have a different focus than practitioners of Western medicine. This stems from many years of healers on both sides of the world developing their own methods and philosophies in healing.
Eastern Medical Focus
Those who practice East Asian medicine, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine, have a strong focus on prevention of disease through various practices such as Qigong, Tai chi, and meditation.
The idea is based on the premise that we all have an energy force called “qi” that helps our organs and body systems function better. By regularly practicing these practices, along with acupuncture, which is said to stimulate the flow of qi energy in the body, the various diseases that can occur do not happen. Continue reading
Numerous studies have proven that there is a direct link between poor diet and disease. Because of this, people are taking a second look at what goes into their bodies, including the medicines they take. Many are opting for an herbal or nutritional medicine instead of synthetic drugs.
At first glance, herbal medicine and nutritional medicine may seem to be the same thing, but they differ in several ways.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine is one of the oldest systems of healing and is still widely used in many parts of the world. It is made exclusively from plant and plant extracts that may be ingested or applied directly to the skin. Continue reading
What is making your food taste so good? It could be the fresh ingredients, including the herbs. But, herbs are not just used for cooking – they’re also useful as household remedies and cleaning products.
Herbs have been around for centuries in many capacities. You may be aware of their ability to add new and varied tastes to your food dishes.
If you’ve never been much into using them for anything else, there is another world out there where homemade medicinal remedies utilize herbs. Some of the ones that you see on the following list could do double duty in the kitchen and the sick room.
Here is a list of common culinary herbs you might see and their uses: Continue reading