What does your immune system do, exactly? Think of your immune system as your natural defense against infection. That is a very simplistic definition, since the way your body fights sickness and disease is incredibly detailed and interconnected.
But, for a short definition which gets to the point, that is right on the money. Each person’s natural defense system is composed of the following “lines of defense”:
The 1st Line of Defense – Mechanical & Physical Barriers
This is the first layer of your immune system, the very first thing that infection and disease encounter. This includes the cornea of your eyes, your skin, and membranes which line your reproductive, digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. When this 1st line of defense is healthy, it is difficult (but not impossible) for infection to occur. Continue reading
No, we are not talking about the Middle Ages, but the time in your life when you are not as young as you used to be but not ready for the cane just yet. You are actually in the prime of your life, so strive to let people know it.
When you hit 40 and 50 you are in a unique position. This is usually the time when menopause hits women and bone loss and muscle depletion hit everyone.
It is also the time when you can turn things around for yourself both physically and mentally. Think of yourself as being in transition. The best is yet to come.
Getting and staying in shape is important at every age and especially during this transition phase of your life. Don’t feel like all hope is lost. You can start today and reap the benefits of a healthy body for years to come. Continue reading
Herbs are used in different capacities in the medical field. Besides being the precursors to some of modern medicine, they are used now by millions of people who are looking for more natural relief of their ailments. We are going to discuss a few homeopathic herbs and how they are being used.
What is Homeopathy?
Have you ever heard of homeopathic medicine? If not, here is a basic breakdown of what it is. It is based on the body learning to heal itself – “like treating like.” When an invading germ or bacteria enters the body, its defenses create antibodies to fight it. Now that invader is recognized if it ever appears again. Continue reading