
Detox DietYour body is pretty complex. It handles many thousands of tasks each day – many of which you’re completely unaware of. When something isn’t right, your body will start sending you warning messages. The problem is that not many people understand that these warning messages come in the form of symptoms.

When there’s an issue, your body tries to get you to address it by causing something to hurt, to swell, or by taking up more energy than it normally would.

Far too many people ignore these messages in the form of symptoms until they reach a point where they feel too poorly to keep up with the tasks involved in their day-to-day living. One of the reasons that your body can start sending out warning messages is because it can reach a point where toxins build up leading to toxicity. By the time you reach that point, you’ll feel pretty bad. Continue reading

One of the best ways to ensure heart health is to engage in exercises that focus on the mind and body. Most of us think that a good physical health is the only indicator of a healthy heart.

However, research shows that our mood, stress levels and general outlook in life have major effects not only to the body but the heart as well.

Simply put, preventing heart disease requires you to exercise regularly, make smarter food choices and engage in activities that reduce stress.

Here are three mind-body exercises that can improve heart health: Continue reading

Family LoveSometimes you will hear older adults and senior citizens say that their memory is “slipping”.

Often times, the elderly can remember in perfect detail the events that occurred decades earlier, but they have a hard time remembering something which happened just the day before. This is a symptom of what the Oxford Journal of Medicine and Health and other respected health organizations call cognitive decline.

The medical community at large considers this a natural symptom of aging. It can also be marked by poor judgment and the inability to process seemingly normal input and information.

While diminished mental capacities, as well as physical health problems, do seem to be related to old age, most honest doctors and scientists will admit that the true causes for cognitive decline and diminished mental capacity are not fully understood. Continue reading