
Foods that Lower the Risk of DementiaDementia is a disabling condition that effects more and more people every day. It is responsible for the loss of reasoning, memory and the ability to think clearly. The loss of these mental functions can become so serious that it prevents those effected from functioning normally in their day to day activities.

Dementia is not considered a disease by itself. It is seen as a collection of symptoms that have been caused by other diseases or conditions. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most commonly known causes of dementia. Changes in mood, personality and behaviors are some of the known symptoms associated with dementia.

Alzheimer’s has a great impact on the individual who suffers from it and their families, it is truly devastating to not remember your own kids, or your own name and eventually comes the need to be taken care of and watched 24 hours a day. Continue reading

Protein is all around you. Most people don’t have trouble getting enough protein. The question is: Are we getting the right protein? Eating protein-rich foods has far-reaching health benefits for your body.

Building Blocks

One of the basic building blocks of the body is amino acids. They are found in our very DNA. Many are produced by the body, but others are only obtained from food. Multivitamins may contain a few but the best source is food.

Why are they so important? Amino acids combine to create structural proteins in the body. They are found in our cells. Each cell combines with others to give rise to organs, then systems, and finally the entire human organism. Without them we wouldn’t have nerves, arteries, bone, muscle or anything else. Continue reading

Improve Your DigestionDo you suffer from gastrointestinal challenges? We’re talking about gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and sometimes even nausea. Maybe you’ve even wondered if you have an inflammatory bowel disease or a digestive disorder.

Stomach problems are common. They’re so common that consumers spend billions of dollars every year on digestion remedies. These remedies often cause more problems than they resolve and the relief is only temporary. The good news is that there are things you can do today to improve your digestion.

1 – Eat Yogurt

Yogurt contains probiotics. These are microorganisms, bacteria, which are helpful for digestion. Your stomach is full of billions of these healthy bacteria. Unfortunately, stress, the environment, and a not-so-healthy diet can kill these good bacteria and make room for the bad guys. This causes stomach upset and digestive issues. Continue reading