Citrus fruits are a common staple item in every household. They are sold year round and come in a wide variety of options including lemons, oranges, limes, grapefruits, etc. Not only do these juicy fruits taste delicious, but they have an extensive amount of nutritional benefits, and we’re not just talking about Vitamin C! To learn more about citrus fruits and how much they do four our bodies, keep on reading!
Vitamin C
This may go without saying, but citrus foods contain a mass amount of Vitamin C, which, our bodies crave to function properly. Vitamin C produces collagen, which, is what your body needs to give your skin and tendons elasticity. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant that helps to neutralize free radicals that could cause damage to healthy cells in the body. Continue reading
Men fear prostate cancer, but most don’t even know what the prostate is, what it does or know how to prevent cancer. Over 200,000 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year and over 20,000 die from it. Some men will never be diagnosed with the cancer, but maladies concerning the gland could cause problems and sometimes affect quality of life.
If you’re a man over 50 years of age, it’s important for you to know about the prostate and some of the situations that could affect your life and your health. Number one on the list of things you should know is that if you’re over 40 years of age, you should have the prostate checked on a yearly basis. Continue reading
The virus is a different creature than the bacteria. Some people find viruses “scarier” because antibiotics have no effect on them. The interesting (and good) thing is that certain herbs do have antiviral action, and many of these are widely available. Here are some of them:
Lemon Balm
In Germany, the antiviral effects of lemon balm are well-documented, and creams made from the herb are prescribed for herpes outbreaks and cold sores. Lemon balm is very easy to grow in your garden – a little too easy, in fact, as it tends to take over if not contained.
Lemon balm makes a very good tea, and can be drunk to combat all sorts of viral infections, such as colds and flu. The tea or a cream can be applied to cold sores or other viral lesions, such as shingles or chickenpox. Continue reading