Long before there were doctors and high-tech medications, people were growing their own herbal remedies so that, through the simple act of gardening, they could manage many of the ills that befell their family members or themselves.
You, too, can grow your own herbal medicine—in the garden or in pots you keep in front of the window.
Common herbal remedies can be grown, gathered, steeped in teas, or put in ointments. Here are some herbal remedies that you can grow in the comfort of your own home.
If you don’t know how to use the herb, check with an herbalist or get a book at a whole foods store or health food store about the best ways to use these plants for their therapeutic value: Continue reading
You’ve decided it’s time to do something about the extra weight you’re carrying. Perhaps you’ve joined a gym and have begun seeing results.
Before long, however, you’re doubled over in pain – you have a muscle cramp. Learn how to prevent cramping during exercise using the following advice.
Cramps are painful. They are involuntary contractions which occur while exercising or very shortly thereafter. If you’ve ever had one, you know you want to do everything you can to avoid them. Continue reading
Aromatherapy is a modern alternative therapy with a history as old as time itself. It is based upon the healing and relaxing effects that arise from the use of many scents. It is similar to the use of herbal remedies and organic medicines, with the main difference being the mode of delivery.
The term “aromatherapy” was initially coined by Rene-Maurice Gattefosse, a French chemist from the early 1900’s. He described his seemingly miraculous burn cure as “Aroma-therapie” and published his findings about the uses of aromatic extracts for various therapies in 1937. Continue reading