
5 Reasons Why Women Should Lift WeightsThere used to be a belief that women should not lift weights. The thought was women would lose the feminine look when they got “muscled up” and bulky.

And yes, if you are a female bodybuilder on supplements and steroids, you won’t look much different from the men who practice the same weightlifting ideals.

But, should you actually be lifting weights as a woman? Here are 5 really good reasons why it’s a good thing for women to do: Continue reading

If you’re planning to start a new fitness plan, then good for you! Deciding to get healthy and get more active isn’t always easy, but it’s something you’ll be happy you did.

However, if you’re new to the world of exercise then things can get pretty confusing pretty quickly. One of the burning questions many people have is how often they should workout.

What Do You Want to Achieve?

How often you need to workout does depend on what you want to achieve. In this article, it’s assumed that you’re a fitness beginner. In which case, you probably just want to feel healthier and make sure you’re getting enough activity to maintain a decent, everyday level of fitness. Continue reading


1 pound of ground beef
2 cloves of minced garlic
2 Tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon of salt
½ teaspoon of black pepper
½ teaspoon of dried basil
4 slices of sharp Cheddar cheese
4 buns

. Continue reading