This isn’t so much an actual burrito as much as a way to enjoy all of the flavors in a breakfast burrito without worrying about too many carbs.
You’ll still get eggs, cheese, and tasty fillings but the rather than delivering them to your mouth by tortilla you’ll be delivering them by bell pepper!
That’s right, we’re going to create a tasty breakfast stuffed pepper.
Note: This recipe is for 4 peppers, enough to serve four people. Continue reading
One of the things a lot of people struggle with is increasing the amount of vegetables they eat in each meal.
You don’t want to be eating the same old steamed vegetables every day. You have to make them full of flavor and fun to eat!
Oven roasted broccoli is so versatile and easy to make delicious and I urge you to experiment with it a bit but first try this easy and wonderful recipe! It only uses a few ingredients and is still awesome if you omit the garlic. Continue reading
Sometimes that craving for something salty and crunchy hits and when you have diabetes you can’t really just turn to a big bag of potato chips. They’re full of carbs and fat plus it’s really hard to portion yourself.
Want a healthier option that’s still delicious without all of the carbs? Give zucchini chips a try! You can season them however you want so you don’t need to worry about getting bored of the same flavor over and over again.
Personally I think some Cajun spices really make these chips something special! Continue reading