Does this sound like you? You have heard that positive thinking can have such an amazingly powerful effect on your life. But maybe you are not buying into all that “good thoughts” power. You need proof.
So, exactly how does positive thinking reduce stress? What really happens inside your body when you adopt a positive as opposed to negative way of thinking? Let’s take a look.
The Mayo Clinic reports that using positive thinking as a stress management tool can lead to the following benefits: Continue reading
There’s no question that stress causes disease. It’s been directly linked to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease just to name a few. It also negatively affects your immune system and can make you feel grumpy, tired, and unhappy.
Stress is a part of life. There are bills to pay, friends and family to get along with, and challenges to overcome. However, how you handle stress is completely within your control. When you’re feeling stressed you can let your emotions take over, or you can take steps to instantly relax and decrease stress.
1 – Take Deep Cleansing Breaths
The first step to any relaxation exercise is to realize that you’re stressed. Begin to learn the signals your body sends when it experiences stress. Does your heart rate increase? Do you feel your fists clench or your brow furrow? Do you grumble to yourself or begin pacing? Does your mind race with negative thoughts, worries, or doubts? Continue reading
If you enjoy using organic beauty supplies, did you know that there are organic beauty recipes you can do at home? And the great news is that these recipes are made from simple, natural products that you can easily buy.
You’ll have the satisfaction of knowing that your products are completely free of toxins and you’ll save money, too. Once you’ve had some practice making the products yourself, you might even be able to put them in decorative containers and share them with your friends as gifts.
You probably already have one ingredient needed for hair health right in your refrigerator and it’s as natural as you can get. That ingredient is an egg. For a lovely, natural shine to your hair (that’s free from harmful chemicals), use one egg (for short hair) two for longer hair. Continue reading