When dieting, many people are tempted to skip breakfast as a way to cut back on the calories. Scientific studies have shown that avoiding this meal completely backfires on most dieters.
Why? There are several reasons, but first and foremost is that you are setting your body’s hunger level for the rest of the day. It’s hard to keep on a diet when you are constantly thinking about food, right?
Well, you can assure yourself of an easier time of it if you start your day out with a high protein breakfast. The reason is simple: when you keep your blood sugar level steady, your hunger level remains steady, too. Continue reading
The ancient Chinese practice, Tai Chi Chuan, combines meditation, Traditional Chinese Medicine and martial arts.
Most often referred to as Tai Chi (“tie–chee”), the practice consists of slow fluid movements done with complete concentration. This approach allows practitioners to fully exercise the mind as well as the body.
Tai Chi’s focus on mental health, physical fitness, and general well-being make it an excellent activity for seniors seeking to maintain functional fitness levels and a positive mental outlook. Continue reading
If you want to lose weight, forget about diet pills. There are lots of all-natural herbs that can help you lose weight. They do this by giving your metabolism a boost.
If you’re eating right and getting some regular exercise, adding these herbs to your diet can help you burn calories faster and keep the fat off for good.
Green Tea
All tea helps your metabolism work, but the reason green tea is so special is that it isn’t processed like other types are. Green tea raises your body temperature and speeds up your metabolism through a process called thermogenesis. Continue reading