When cell damage occurs, it can lead to skin that looks older than it is. But cell damage can also cause a lot of trouble for the body when free radicals attack your body’s cells both inward and outward.
When cells are damaged by free radicals, a reaction begins in the membrane of the cell. This reaction can lead you to develop certain diseases – and in some cases can lead to a cancer diagnosis.
The power to stop the reaction in the cells by the free radicals begins with the use of antioxidants. Antioxidants work like stop signs in the body. The power of antioxidants can protect your body on the inside so that you’ll have smooth, soft skin on the outside. Continue reading
Life is full of stresses, surprises, challenges, and frustrations. There are days when even the most optimistic and resilient people may feel pushed to their limit.
This stress is not only bad for your disposition, it can also have a detrimental effect on your health. It’s important to be able to determine if your emotions are having a negative effect on your health.
You Get Sick Right Before Vacation
You work hard and plan for time away from it all. Sure enough, on the first day of vacation you feel it coming on? You’re getting a cold. This is a surefire sign that you’ve been pushing just a bit too hard. Your immune system held the germs off as long as they could. Now you’re sick. It happens to millions of people ever year. Continue reading
Sugar tastes oh so sweet, but do we really need it? And is that spare tire around your waist, your neck jowls and upper arm flab caused by eating too much sugar?
Research in recent years has shown that your sugar intake can have a definite effect on your body weight, over time. So how much is too much, and just exactly how does sugar make you fat?
Let’s take that second question first. Sugar, as well as high fructose corn syrup, is made up of glucose and fructose. You need glucose to live.
Your body produces it naturally, and it is used to give your cells energy. But fructose is unnatural, and your body does not produce it. Of all the cells in your body, only your liver cells can process fructose. Continue reading