It’s not unusual for people to feel a little down now and again. If you’ve been feeling down more often than usual you’ll want to talk with a doctor before taking any natural or prescription remedies to combat depression. While a doctor may give you a prescription, there are also some natural anti-depressants you can try.
Many people choose herbal remedies to treat depression because they are believed to have fewer side effects. It is important to speak with your health care professional before doing so, however, because some herbs can have an adverse reaction with medicines you’re already taking. Natural remedies can have drug interactions which could be dangerous so please keep that in mind before choosing one of these natural anti-depressants. Continue reading
Millions of people around the world have bouts of depression. For some, their depression is Seasonal Affective Disorder whereby they are affected only during the fall and winter months.
Others have symptoms of depression on a regular basis and are seeking healing through traditional medicine and counseling. Some choose non-conventional means such as herbal remedies.
You may be surprised that you can even laugh your blues away, or at least use laughter as a form of treatment for depression.
There is an old saying that “Laughter is the best medicine.” That concept has been researched for years and there have been reports which explain how laughter – 15 minutes of real, hard belly laughs – can be as good for you as working out for 20 minutes. Continue reading
Did you know that getting fit and in shape can actually make you happier? Chronic depression is combated with regular exercise, and aside from helping you return to your natural body weight, regular exercise and other fitness activities are great for your heart and your circulation.
Most fitness experts will tell you that a brief and brisk half hour walk immediately makes you more alert. And intense physical activity of any kind actually stimulates certain brain chemicals which cause you to feel happier and more at peace.
Of course, there are the self-esteem benefits which make you feel good about yourself when you look in the mirror and see how all your hard work is paying off. The key to becoming happier is regular exercise and dedication to your fitness goals. This includes ensuring you are drinking lots of water throughout the day, and changing your lifestyle to include a healthy diet. Continue reading