Aging Well
Exercise helps keep senior citizens fit physically … and socially, emotionally and psychologically as well. You receive so many benefits when you exercise.
Your heart becomes strong and it works effortlessly. It easily pumps oxygen throughout your body, which allows all of your different internal and external systems to work properly.
Since all of those systems are interconnected and controlled by your brain, you enjoy more than just physical benefits when you stay active as you age.
If you need motivation to exercise and you are over 50 years of age, take a look at these wonderful nonphysical benefits of staying active that just may change how you think about physical fitness.
1 – You Feel Better About Yourself
When you exercise, “feel good” chemicals and hormones are released by your brain. That’s right, there is a physiological reason you feel great after you exert yourself physically. You truly do feel good about yourself as a person when you exercise on a regular basis. Continue reading
All of us get older; this is just a simple fact of life. However, the aging process can differ from one person to the other. The better we take care of our health, and make healthy lifestyle choices the better the aging process will be.
This is a simple fact that is supported by mountains of scientific research. People who focus on prevention early in life can reap the benefits of being more vital, energetic, and healthier as they face their senior years.
Tai Chi is a form of exercise that can be used at any age and at any fitness level. This exercise began as a form of martial art but has found profound popularity in the modern world as a form of meditative movement that has great healing energy, helps to reduce pain, boost brain power, improve mind wellness, posture and balance. It also makes a great adjunct to medications used to treat the elderly depressed patient.
Can it actually slow the aging process along with its long list of health benefits? Continue reading
Walking more and sitting less provides multiple health benefits. Your heart gets stronger, and healthy oxygen is pumped throughout your body where it is put to work powering all of your inner and exterior physiological systems and functions.
When it comes right down to it, you know you should be physically active more often. As an incentive to “ditching” your car when it is not really needed, take a look at the following 5 health benefits delivered by walking instead of driving.
1 – You Will Live Longer
The Archives of Internal Medicine have released some scary statistics about sitting. Sit between 8 and 11 hours a day and you are 15% more likely to die from any cause than those who sit for 4 hours or less daily. Continue reading