Eating Healthy
For those who have never learned to eat in a healthy manner and do not understand proper nutrition, starting to live a healthier lifestyle can seem difficult, but it need not be.With a little knowledge anyone can start on the road to good health.
Healthy eating is essential for maintaining proper body functions, having energy and vitality, and for living a disease-free life. For those who have trouble with healthy eating, breaking unhealthy habits could possibly be the most difficult aspect of the process.
But, for those who really want to live the best lifestyle possible, it is essential to adhere to a proper diet and stick with it for the long term. Continue reading
As the world continues to educate on being more health conscious and environmentally aware, the talk of organic foods has come up.
More and more consumers are equipped with the knowledge about the power they have in choosing foods that are better for their health.
If you’re considering the switch from organic to non organic foods, educating yourself on the differences is the best way to assure you’re making informed decisions. Continue reading
There is a lot of hype out there about alkaline diets, which are diets containing foods that are alkaline in nature rather than acidic. Alkaline foods are foods that have a pH of 7 or greater (like vegetables), while acidic foods (like vinegar and lemons) have a pH of less than 7). Many Hollywood celebrities swear by this diet, saying that an alkaline diet can help a person lose weight and can stave off illnesses like cancer and arthritis.
What is the Theory Behind an Alkaline Diet?
The idea is that certain foods, namely wheat products, refined sugar, meats, and processed foods will produce acid in your body, which is supposedly bad for your system. If you instead eat foods that are “basic” or “alkaline” in nature, the body will lose weight and you will generally feel better. Continue reading