Health Conditions
According to a recent study over half of the cases of heart disease could be prevented. Even small lifestyle changes have a big effect on your overall heart health, however it all starts with knowing the results of four critical tests.
Know Your Numbers
Certain lab test results show the condition of your heart health and your risk of having a “heart-related event”– not something you want to experience. In particular you should know your numbers from these tests: Continue reading
There are a number of risk factors that figure in to your susceptibility to colon cancer, but the truth is that each of us, no matter what our background or current health status, is at risk – and most of the people who are diagnosed with colon cancer have no specific risk factors.
That’s why it’s important that you know the warning signs and are aware of what the risk factors are so that you can discuss them with your health care provider.
One of the high risk categories for developing colon cancer is people over 50 years of age, and the risk increases with each decade after that. Also, women are at greater risk for colon cancer than men, although men are at higher risk to be diagnosed with rectal cancer. Here are some other risk categories for colon cancer: Continue reading
What does your immune system do, exactly? Think of your immune system as your natural defense against infection. That is a very simplistic definition, since the way your body fights sickness and disease is incredibly detailed and interconnected.
But, for a short definition which gets to the point, that is right on the money. Each person’s natural defense system is composed of the following “lines of defense”:
The 1st Line of Defense – Mechanical & Physical Barriers
This is the first layer of your immune system, the very first thing that infection and disease encounter. This includes the cornea of your eyes, your skin, and membranes which line your reproductive, digestive, urinary and respiratory systems. When this 1st line of defense is healthy, it is difficult (but not impossible) for infection to occur. Continue reading