The issues of antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria have gotten a lot of attention lately. The concern is that bacteria, having been exposed to antibiotics for so long, have developed a resistance to the antibiotics, creating “superbugs.”
The grim reality is that bacterial infections that used to succumb easily to antibiotics have turned more serious, even deadly.
Interestingly, though, herbs with antibiotic properties seem to elude the bacterial “learning process” and thus do not appear to produce resistant bacteria.
Antibiotic herbs can be used around the home for minor infections and as antiseptics to prevent infection. Here are some of the more useful antibiotic herbs. Continue reading
When it comes to our mental clarity, many of us want to preserve it for the future and enhance it for the present. There are some herbs and spices – most inexpensive and readily available – that can help keep your mind sharp. Here are some of them.
In Victorian times, rosemary was part of the language of flowers, and it was an herb signifying remembrance. This association of rosemary with remembering is not just romantic fancy – rosemary contains rosmarinic acid, a potent antioxidant that helps clean up free radicals in the body.
It has other mind-enhancing compounds, too, including compounds that preserve acetylcholine in the brain. Acetylcholine is a key neurotransmitter in the brain. Continue reading
The virus is a different creature than the bacteria. Some people find viruses “scarier” because antibiotics have no effect on them. The interesting (and good) thing is that certain herbs do have antiviral action, and many of these are widely available. Here are some of them:
Lemon Balm
In Germany, the antiviral effects of lemon balm are well-documented, and creams made from the herb are prescribed for herpes outbreaks and cold sores. Lemon balm is very easy to grow in your garden – a little too easy, in fact, as it tends to take over if not contained.
Lemon balm makes a very good tea, and can be drunk to combat all sorts of viral infections, such as colds and flu. The tea or a cream can be applied to cold sores or other viral lesions, such as shingles or chickenpox. Continue reading