If you suffer from celiac disease, you may be adjusting to many different changes in your life. Though celiac disease usually presents itself early on in life, some people find out they have this autoimmune disorder or a gluten sensitivity much later in life.
This discovery is usually followed by drastic changes in diet and lifestyle, which can leave you feeling as if your life has been turned upside down. Though you may not be accustomed to a lot of good news lately, research has found that a gluten-free diet may be something to celebrate.
Understanding the Ins and Outs of Celiac Disease
According to various news sources including Natural News, research has shown that taking on a gluten-free diet may help to improve brain function in individuals with celiac disease. What’s more, a gluten-free diet has proven benefits for increased intestinal health as found by Australian pharmacology researchers.
In people with celiac disease, consuming gluten can seriously damage the absorptive lining of the small intestine. This lining is responsible for absorbing the nutrients in the food you eat so that they can be distributed throughout the body.
For those who live with an undiagnosed case of celiac disease, it could result in the following health problems:
- Chronic Diarrhea
- Stunted Growth
- Inexplicable Weight Loss
- Osteoporosis
- Anemia
- Fatigue
- Nutritional Deficiencies
Luckily, all of these problems and more can be avoided by simply removing gluten from your everyday diet.
Problems Gluten can Cause
For those with celiac disease, gluten can cause more problems than the ones already described. For one, gluten produce “brain fog.” This is a catch-all phrase that refers to a number of different cognitive symptoms. These include:
- Attention Problems
- Lack of Creativity
- Temporary Memory Loss
If you’ve ever felt this way before your initial celiac disease diagnosis, gluten could be the culprit. Foregoing gluten in your diet can have almost immediate results.
In fact, patients who have cut gluten from their diet report feeling more alert, better focused, more creative, and able to remember names, faces, dates and more better than they had before.
In addition to this brain fog phenomenon, gluten can produce depressive symptoms as well. Both individuals who do and do not have celiac disease can experience this specific symptom.
Researchers found that in a control group of 22 adults who suffered from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) but not celiac disease, those who frequently consumed gluten scored higher on a depression scale than those who were participating in a gluten-free diet.
When gluten was removed from their diet, they found that they felt better both mentally and physically and experienced improved results on the depression scale.
The biggest benefit of a gluten-free diet is the improved intestinal health. Patients who suffered with different gastrointestinal symptoms such as bloating, cramping, constipation, diarrhea, and more found improvement of their symptoms after about a year of eating gluten free.
As previously stated, gluten can wreak havoc in the small intestine. The allergy to gluten, namely barely, wheat, and rye in those with celiac disease is responsible for these uncomfortable symptoms.
Changing Up Your Diet
It can be challenging to change your diet at first, but once you get the hang of it you’ll be able to enjoy the benefits of living gluten-free. There are plenty of alternatives to try when changing your diet. For example, many people with celiac disease resign themselves to a life without bread, pasta, cakes and more.
Fortunately, these foods can still cooked and eaten as long as a few simple changes are made. By switching out wheat flour for tasty alternatives such as rice flour, buckwheat flour, and millet, you can cook your favorite pastas, breads, cakes and more without the negative effects of gluten.
A great way to jumpstart your diet is to purchase a gluten free cookbook and do plenty of your own research online to find the best recipes, restaurants, and substitutes that suit you. It does get easier with time and practice.