Good health initially starts on the inside, then manifests itself on the outside. That’s why a healthy lifestyle means you sleep well, exercise and eat the right kinds of food.
Diet plays a key role in many facets of ourselves, from the physical, to mental and emotional and even of the spirit.
When you eat well, you feel well, and you thrive. You have brain power, focus, and lots of healthy energy to get through your busy days.
Nutrients are what support your overall wellbeing, period!
A healthy diet means you’re not depriving yourself of anything, you include all food groups in your meals to provide you with the energy you need to do all the things you need to do throughout the day.
Here are a few ways eating well can improve your overall health:
Improves Your Mood
Eating right and exercising boosts levels of endorphins, which are ‘feel good’ brain chemicals which make you feel happier and calmer. Also, when you eat right, you have more energy and your body looks good, you feel good about yourself, and your confidence soars.
Your stress levels go down and you’re able to focus and concentrate better. Eating foods high in fiber is an example of foods that maintain blood sugar levels in your body which prevents mood swings and irritability.
B vitamins (such as B6, B12, folic acid) are an example of nutrients that play a role in the production of endorphins. Another mood enhancer is vitamin D which can be found in yogurt, milk and cheese.
Reduces Risk of Disease
When you take care of yourself from the inside out, you can maintain healthy cholesterol and blood pressure levels. It also reduces your risk of cardiovascular diseases, stroke and type-2 diabetes.
And combining healthy eating with exercise decreases arthritis and joint pain, as well as depression. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids are good for the heart, among other things, because they’re known to be mild blood thinners.
Boosts Energy
Have you ever been sluggish and lethargic after eating a heavy meal? This is caused by eating foods high in processed sugars and refined carbs which raise blood sugar levels drastically, followed by a sharp drop.
On the other hand, healthy eating means you’re providing your body with the fuel it needs to maintain energy levels for longer periods of time. Proteins also help avoid crashes in blood sugar levels, thus sustaining high levels of energy throughout the day.
Maintains Healthy Weight
Eating a well-balanced diet helps you control your weight. One of the best ways to lose weight or maintain your weight is to start the day with a healthy breakfast to prevent hunger pangs and cravings. A good breakfast also enhances cognitive abilities, boosts metabolism and improves digestion.
Many people overlook the importance of staying well hydrated. Water is an essential element of the good health equation. And there really is no substitute for it, be it juices, sodas or coffee.
Hydrate often because dehydration can result in lightheadedness and exhaustion. And most importantly, stay away from foods high in sugar, sodium and fat.
Building the Habit
A healthy diet is habit that requires patience, work and dedication. Developing healthy eating habits requires time and consistency. It won’t happen overnight, but as each day passes, you’ll feel how your healthy choices are benefiting your physical and mental health.
One trick is to listen to your body by eating only when you’re hungry, and never until you’re overly full. If you have a craving, drink water or brush your teeth, the craving will go away within 10 minutes.