Out of every three people, at least one of them will be diagnosed with pre-hypertension or hypertension. Instead of immediately taking high blood pressure medications, many of these people are turning to more natural methods such as taking vitamins.
There are several vitamins that offer help in handling different medical problems. For example, some of these vitamins can help people who have diabetes keep their blood sugar numbers lowered.
These same vitamins that work to help individuals deal with diabetes numbers can help you if you have high blood pressure. If you want to use vitamins to bring down your blood pressure numbers, the first one you’ll want to look into getting are the B vitamins. Continue reading
At one time all you ever heard from health experts was that you should cut down on your salt intake and to cut out saturated fats. While doing this can be beneficial to your health new research now shows that eating a diet high in sugar and carbs is more damaging. Far more than eating too much fat in your diet.
Consuming too much sugar can really play havoc with your health. It positions you as a prime candidate for developing Type II diabetes as well as kidney and nerve disease. Which can all lead to an early death.
You might have heard about these types of facts, but there is a hidden danger that you may not be aware of. Do you know that almost three quarters of all the packaged foods which are sold in the U.S. alone contain sugar, don’t forget to add beverages to this number, too. Continue reading
Reiki is an ancient healing method that focuses on the flow of life energy within the human body. It is believed that when these life forces are slowed down, the body becomes ill. Reiki helps to release the flow of these forces, effectively healing many types of illness within the body.
The principals of Reiki have been used for thousands of years; however, the actual therapy was discovered and developed in Japan in the late 1800’s by Dr. Mikao Usui.
The practice and teachings of Reiki nearly vanished during WWII, but managed to survive due to a few remaining masters. Mrs. Hawayo Takata brought the practice of Reiki to the United States and it has grown in popularity among Western culture ever since. Continue reading