A Guide to Water-Rich Foods that’ll Help You Eat Less in Total
Many of the water-rich foods are high in fiber, but low in calories. Researchers have found that the body senses it is full by the volume of food and not the number of calories consumed.
By filling up on water-rich foods first, you end up feeling full, eat less high-calorie foods and in the end eat fewer calories over the course of that meal.
Some of the water-rich foods are classified as negative calorie foods – it takes more calories to digest them than what is contained in the food itself. Let’s take a look at some of these foods that fill you up fast: Continue reading
Have you heard about the hottest and “sexiest” tea trend going on today? You probably know by now that green tea is super healthy. It aids in digestion, helps curb weight gain, fights stress and anxiety and delivers a long list of beneficial health properties. As it turns out, there is one particular green tea which might be better than the rest, and that is matcha green tea.
What is Matcha Green Tea?
From lattes to holiday cookies, matcha green tea is popping up everywhere lately. Black, oolong and white teas are definitely good for you, but matcha green tea currently reigns supreme as the King of the trendy and healthy beverage empire. Continue reading
Some foods are better for you than others. Some promote weight gain, while others act as excellent fat burners. There are several spices which make your weight loss and fat burning efforts as efficient as possible.
Add the following spices to your daily diet, and you may just begin to see the Battle of the Bulge turning in your favor.
This common spice has been used for centuries to treat a number of health problems. Increased blood sugar levels can cause fat storage. Cinnamon regulates your blood sugar by controlling insulin levels. This spice also speeds up your metabolism, helps burn belly fat, and suppresses your appetite, making it a “super food” for promoting weight loss. Continue reading