Eating Healthy
In the past lifestyle diseases were only associated with the rich, or wealthy of society. Today, however, the landscape of lifestyle diseases is much more diverse as no longer is it the “rich man’s curse” but now thanks to availability of cheap junk food, these chronic conditions have penetrated every layer of society.
Luckily, this as in many other cases can be fixed by addressing the root problem causing it, which in this case is diet. By swapping out unhealthy options for healthier, wholesome options you may yet be able to get your life back on track. Let’s see what you can start doing today to reduce your risk of these lifestyle diseases. Continue reading
Ever since we were little children, we have been told that junk food is bad for us and that it is important to moderate the amount of junk food we take in.
Many people see junk food as the reason they are overweight, and there are some people who eat a lot of junk food can do so without gaining a pound, therefore feeling there is no harm to eating it.
Junk food, however, affects a lot more than just the number on the scale.
The fact that eating junk food affects more than just the scale doesn’t mean that the effect on the scale doesn’t matter. Obesity rates are much higher today than they have ever been in the United States and this is incredibly concerning since there are many negative effects that come along with obesity. Continue reading
If you watch the news or any type of media at all, you know that our dietary habits can help us live longer or cut our lives short.
There are fad diets and trending diets, but the clean eating plan is one that can keep you healthy for life.
Preservatives and the way foods are processed can sometimes make good foods into unhealthy ones.
Some are grown with chemicals and others are overly processed until we can’t even recognize what the food originally looked or tasted like.
Here are ways to focus on a clean eating lifestyle and become the healthiest you can be: Continue reading