Health Conditions
Do you suffer from gastrointestinal challenges? We’re talking about gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and sometimes even nausea. Maybe you’ve even wondered if you have an inflammatory bowel disease or a digestive disorder.
Stomach problems are common. They’re so common that consumers spend billions of dollars every year on digestion remedies. These remedies often cause more problems than they resolve and the relief is only temporary. The good news is that there are things you can do today to improve your digestion.
1 – Eat Yogurt
Yogurt contains probiotics. These are microorganisms, bacteria, which are helpful for digestion. Your stomach is full of billions of these healthy bacteria. Unfortunately, stress, the environment, and a not-so-healthy diet can kill these good bacteria and make room for the bad guys. This causes stomach upset and digestive issues. Continue reading
Your digestive system is a complicated system. It may seem simple. You eat, you absorb, you eliminate. However, there are many steps taken to complete this process and many chemicals are necessary for things to go smoothly.
You use enzymes, minerals, and even bacteria to digest foods. And when one of these elements is out of balance, or not working optimally, the whole system goes off the rails. One of the effects of an imbalance in your system can be a food sensitivity.
Food sensitivities can cause headaches, skin problems including acne, and of course digestive problems including gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhea. So how do you know if you have a food sensitivity and what the offending food might be? There are actually a few methods you can use. Continue reading
New research results keep confirming what we have suspected all along – sitting is bad for us. But just how bad?
Even if you regularly exercise when not sitting behind your desk, it still significantly raises your risk for diabetes, heart disease (including strokes and heart attacks), obesity and even certain types of cancer.
For every two hours of sitting, you raise your risk of colon cancer by 8 percent, endometrial cancer by 10 percent, and lung cancer by 6 percent.
The Mayo Clinic did a study of how sitting affects blood sugar spiking and what they found was amazing. If the study participants went back to sitting after a meal, or ate while sitting at their desk, their blood sugar peaked and stayed there for two hours. Continue reading