
Long before there were doctors and high-tech medications, people were growing their own herbal remedies so that, through the simple act of gardening, they could manage many of the ills that befell their family members or themselves.

You, too, can grow your own herbal medicine—in the garden or in pots you keep in front of the window.

Common herbal remedies can be grown, gathered, steeped in teas, or put in ointments. Here are some herbal remedies that you can grow in the comfort of your own home.

If you don’t know how to use the herb, check with an herbalist or get a book at a whole foods store or health food store about the best ways to use these plants for their therapeutic value: Continue reading

Herbs are beneficial not only for making your food taste good but also for medicinal purposes. Dried ones sold at the store are good for food but to get the best taste possible, fresh is better. Avoid paying the high costs of buying fresh – start your own herb garden.

Whether for medicinal or culinary purposes, herbs have been used for centuries, even before recorded history. Many ethnic and regional cuisines still use a variety of fresh herbs and spices for a healthy dose of preventative medicine with each delicious bite.

Herbs are healthy. Many people use herbs as an alternative medicine source, especially in light of the high cost of prescription medications. Herbal remedies are thought of as alternative medicine today but just about all medicines can be traced back to plants, seeds, spices, flowers, herbs and roots. Continue reading

Matcha Green Tea Latte Beverage In Glass.Have you heard about the hottest and “sexiest” tea trend going on today? You probably know by now that green tea is super healthy. It aids in digestion, helps curb weight gain, fights stress and anxiety and delivers a long list of beneficial health properties. As it turns out, there is one particular green tea which might be better than the rest, and that is matcha green tea.

What is Matcha Green Tea?

From lattes to holiday cookies, matcha green tea is popping up everywhere lately. Black, oolong and white teas are definitely good for you, but matcha green tea currently reigns supreme as the King of the trendy and healthy beverage empire. Continue reading