Mind/Brain Health
Sometimes you will hear older adults and senior citizens say that their memory is “slipping”.
Often times, the elderly can remember in perfect detail the events that occurred decades earlier, but they have a hard time remembering something which happened just the day before. This is a symptom of what the Oxford Journal of Medicine and Health and other respected health organizations call cognitive decline.
The medical community at large considers this a natural symptom of aging. It can also be marked by poor judgment and the inability to process seemingly normal input and information.
While diminished mental capacities, as well as physical health problems, do seem to be related to old age, most honest doctors and scientists will admit that the true causes for cognitive decline and diminished mental capacity are not fully understood. Continue reading
Dementia is a disabling condition that effects more and more people every day. It is responsible for the loss of reasoning, memory and the ability to think clearly. The loss of these mental functions can become so serious that it prevents those effected from functioning normally in their day to day activities.
Dementia is not considered a disease by itself. It is seen as a collection of symptoms that have been caused by other diseases or conditions. Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most commonly known causes of dementia. Changes in mood, personality and behaviors are some of the known symptoms associated with dementia.
Alzheimer’s has a great impact on the individual who suffers from it and their families, it is truly devastating to not remember your own kids, or your own name and eventually comes the need to be taken care of and watched 24 hours a day. Continue reading
In many ways the mind is a like a muscle that must be exercised in order to stay sharp. As we age, our mental faculties are among the first things to go. This is because it is less likely that older people are engaging in activities that stretch the mind and force it to really get a good workout on a daily basis.
While children and young adults have things like school and work to keep their mind’s sharp, older adults may find themselves with a lot of time on their hands for leisure activities, such as, watching television and sleeping.
Though there is nothing wrong with leisure time, it should be balanced with activities and mental exercises designed to work out the muscle of your mind to ensure it stays strong and sharp as you age.
Why It’s Important
Have you noticed that if you do not practice certain activities, you no longer know how to do them? Perhaps you noticed this when you took a math class after a long summer and concepts you once mastered were suddenly difficult or you arrived at your next musical lesson without bothering to practice and found your were tripping over your scales. Continue reading