Considering the factors of what constitutes the key basics of sound nutrition, we need to consider what the word nutrition means and then attempt to adjust the way about which we think of food accordingly.
Nutrition means “the process of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth,” yet all too often food is manufactured, advertised, and viewed by the general public as anything but the things necessary for “health and growth.”
Although there are basic principles of nutrition that are uniformly necessary for all human beings, our nutritional needs can vary by the determinate factors of our individual metabolisms and metabolic rates, our personalized genetics, and even our geographical locations on the planet.
Good nutrition has many benefits for mind, body and even spirit. When we eat well, we are well, we enjoy good physical health, superior focus, energy and vitality and we can maintain a healthy weight. Continue reading
In a world where gas stations contain more snacks and sodas than they do fuel for your car, and there is drive-thru on every corner, it can be hard to focus on good nutrition. The temptation is everywhere! Here are some simple ways you can stay focused on nutrition without obsessing!
1 – Make a Plan!
Registered Dietician Vanessa Briggs recommends that you plan in advance when you go out to eat. Almost all big chain restaurants will have a nutrition menu available online. If you spend a little bit of time looking at the ingredients, calories, and other nutritional information on the menu, you will make a better selection when it comes time to sit down to order.
While you may think that the salad is the way to go for better nutrition, many times restaurant salads have more fat and calories than their pasta dishes. It may be better to skip the chopped salad and go for the fettuccini. The point is you never know until you look. Continue reading
Good health initially starts on the inside, then manifests itself on the outside. That’s why a healthy lifestyle means you sleep well, exercise and eat the right kinds of food.
Diet plays a key role in many facets of ourselves, from the physical, to mental and emotional and even of the spirit.
When you eat well, you feel well, and you thrive. You have brain power, focus, and lots of healthy energy to get through your busy days.
Nutrients are what support your overall wellbeing, period!
A healthy diet means you’re not depriving yourself of anything, you include all food groups in your meals to provide you with the energy you need to do all the things you need to do throughout the day. Continue reading