Since starting mindful eating I’ve found that appetizers make for great snacks! Sometimes I even create meals out of a few appetizers. Why?
The purpose of an appetizer is to be small enough to eat in a bite or two but be bursting with flavor.
Well, isn’t the goal of mindful eating to eat one bite at a time and enjoy the flavors and textures? Appetizers work perfectly.
I love these feta stuffed cherry tomatoes because they have the tasty cheese mixing with the tomato but the red pepper flakes give a bit of kick.
I’ve also tried an uncooked version with parmesan and basil that was great. Continue reading
Hemp ice cream is non-dairy, soy-free, and gluten-free. Made with agave nectar, it’s naturally sweet and contains fewer calories and carbs than ice cream made with dairy products and white sugar. Hemp is high in protein and rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. Top with fresh fruit or nuts for a complete after-dinner treat.
1/2 C. Hemp Protein Powder
1/3 C. Agave Nectar
3 TBS Dark Chocolate Cocoa
1 1/2 Cans Coconut Milk (full fat)
1 tsp. Vanilla Extract Continue reading
Cumin is a super spice. It’s also incredibly popular! In fact, the only spice used more often is black pepper. It’s commonly used in Mexican, Middle Eastern, North African, and Indian dishes but it’s also seen in foods from all over the world.
On top of being absolutely delicious it’s been known to improve immunity, aid in digestion, and boost your energy!
This chicken dish is a simple, flavorful, and uses a nice serving of cumin. Continue reading