Every woman wants to be considered to be beautiful. And since so much of this perception is based on their outward appearance, having a clear skin is a priority. While you could spend money on chemical peels, plastic surgery or various skincare products, eating your way to a better complexion is a much safer way to improve your skin.
It is amazing that diet can play such an important part in not only your physical health but also in how you look. If you have a tendency to eat the typical Standard American Diet (SAD) full of processed foods, too many sweets and too many fats, it will show up in the way your complexion looks. Changing your diet to include fresh and raw foods with specific vitamins and minerals can greatly improve the condition of your skin. Continue reading
Were you aware that there is a very common link between anxiety and insomnia? So much so that the two can lead you in a never ending cycle.
Research has shown that treating insomnia is an effective way of dealing with those feelings of anxiety.
Chronic insomnia is more rampant than you may realize, it actually affects 10 percent of adults in the U.S. alone. Chronic insomnia is characterized by having sleep issues for one month or more.
This includes not being able to fall asleep, stay asleep or just feeling that overall your quality of sleep is suffering. Continue reading
Skin-smoothing or exfoliating body scrubs can sure be expensive, and there are concerns that they contain harmful chemicals such as dyes, colors and fragrances. Why not make your own? They may be a lot healthier, and they’re certainly cheaper. Here are some recipes for skin-smoothing body scrubs.
1 – From the Ground Up
Coffee grounds have a reputation for smoothing out cellulite-ridden areas of the skin. Their texture is also good for exfoliating, and you can’t beat the wonderful smell.
Ingredients: Continue reading