
4 Exercise Tips to Manage Lower Back Pain in SeniorsAs an older person, you realize how important exercise is. But some seniors experience lower back pain which keeps them from exercising regularly.

Because of this, they tend to avoid all types of physical activity. They are rightly concerned about re-injuring their back, or experiencing heightened levels of pain.

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can employ that allow you to exercise even if you are an older person with pain in your lower back.

1 -Hip Extension

(If you have difficulty getting up from the floor, try this and any other applicable exercises on your couch or on your bed.) Continue reading

When you think of fitness, you may naturally consider joining a gym. Gymnasiums and health clubs provide all of the fitness equipment you could ever use.

This way, you don’t have to purchase a lot of weights and fitness machines yourself. However, gyms also have several downsides you need to consider.

Gymnasiums can be unhealthy places to breathe. You have hundreds if not thousands of people coming and going. Some of them have colds, flus and other infectious diseases or germs they are dispensing in the very air you breathe. Continue reading

Did you know that the actual time of day which you exercise is important if you are looking to maximize your health benefits?

A regular exercise program helps boost heart health and maintain a healthy weight, and can even cut your odds of contracting type II diabetes.

And, by exercising in the morning as opposed to the evening or the middle of the day, you create a positive health routine that delivers multiple benefits beyond the physical. Continue reading