Self Care
Do you find it hard to relax at the end of a long day? Are you one of those people that tosses and turns all night long, worrying and stressing over situations in your life?
If so, then you know that this can lead to poor sleep patterns. You wake up tired and grouchy and reach for a sugar-filled caffeine “pick me up”, not the healthiest way to start the day.
The following 7 tips will help you relax before you go to bed, so you naturally sleep restfully and start each and every day at your fullest potential. Continue reading
Life is full of stresses, surprises, challenges, and frustrations. There are days when even the most optimistic and resilient people may feel pushed to their limit.
This stress is not only bad for your disposition, it can also have a detrimental effect on your health. It’s important to be able to determine if your emotions are having a negative effect on your health.
You Get Sick Right Before Vacation
You work hard and plan for time away from it all. Sure enough, on the first day of vacation you feel it coming on? You’re getting a cold. This is a surefire sign that you’ve been pushing just a bit too hard. Your immune system held the germs off as long as they could. Now you’re sick. It happens to millions of people ever year. Continue reading
It’s not unusual for people to feel a little down now and again. If you’ve been feeling down more often than usual you’ll want to talk with a doctor before taking any natural or prescription remedies to combat depression. While a doctor may give you a prescription, there are also some natural anti-depressants you can try.
Many people choose herbal remedies to treat depression because they are believed to have fewer side effects. It is important to speak with your health care professional before doing so, however, because some herbs can have an adverse reaction with medicines you’re already taking. Natural remedies can have drug interactions which could be dangerous so please keep that in mind before choosing one of these natural anti-depressants. Continue reading